General FAQs
Psychedelic Integration, or Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Integration—also known as PHRI—is a client-centered approach to working with people in a clinical setting who have had or are considering having a psychedelic experience in any context—including therapeutic, spiritual, peer-led, or alone. For a more detailed response on this modality, including Fluence’s role in helping define it, please see this page.
No, Fluence does not provide clinical services. Fluence is an education program that aims to increase the availability of trained providers that can provide competent and ethical services in your local community. We can’t provide direct referrals to people who are seeking MDMA or psilocybin-assisted therapy services as this type of therapy is currently only available through clinical trials at this time. However, we can refer you to our certificate program graduates, who are trained to do ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP), Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Integration, or facilitate Psilocybin sessions in Oregon. Please reach out to for more information.
Depending on the compound there may be a legal avenue to do so either by participating in a research trial, receiving treatment (as a patient with an approved condition) with a currently available psychedelic (e.g. ketamine), becoming a client of a licensed Psilocybin Facilitator in Oregon, or traveling abroad. Fluence will provide referrals to licensed providers where available.
We do not provide academic credit.
We work with a variety of community partners to bring our trainings to their organizations. Our programs can be open to the public or private for the members of your organization, and tailored to suit your community’s needs. If you would like to collaborate on holding a training locally, please email us and we’ll start the conversation.
Supervision is a legal term denoting a situation in which a trainee works under a supervisor’s license, usually towards hours for independent licensure. We do not offer supervision. We do offer clinical consultation, which includes elements of supervision, but is intended for providers who are already independently licensed.
No. This program is entirely independent of any academic institution.
Yes Fluence is able to provide a limited amount of partial scholarships for many of our offerings through our Diversity Fund. Scholarships funds are prioritized for practicing mental health professionals in regards to diversity considerations, financial need, professional background and experience. Please follow the instructions to apply on our scholarship application here.
Fluence holds all required in-person programs at ADA compliant locations. If you require accommodations or have additional questions please contact us.
More questions? Come to an Open House Program or email us at
You can go to to search for clinical trials of psilocybin, MDMA, or other psychedelics by putting those words in the search terms.
Fluence is approved by the APA to offer CE to Psychologists, approved by the ASWB to offer ACE to Social Workers, and approved by NYSED to offer CE to Psychologists, Social Workers, and LMHCs. Information is provided on each course page about the types/amounts of CE offered. You may need to check with your licensing board in your state to see if those credits are acceptable for your purposes. For more detailed information about CE at Fluence please see this page.
If you require accommodations or have additional questions please contact us at
Our intention is to keep our fees affordable for working mental health professionals. At most of our programs, we reserve select number of spaces for a discounted rate for applicants whose presence would benefit the community for whom our fee would be a hardship. We prioritize providing scholarships to participants whose participation will enhance diversity among clinicians educated in this modality and/or the populations to which it is available. To learn more please see our diversity fund page. Applications will be accepted and scholarships awarded on a rolling basis, so please apply early. Where available, you will find a link to the application for a scholarship spot on the page for each training. Please note scholarships only apply to training fees and do not cover transportation, lodging, and meals. Please note that scholarship applications are only considered before course or program payment. Scholarships cannot be retroactively applied.
Certificate Program General FAQs
All Fluence courses are online – either live on Zoom or self-paced.
Generally speaking, yes, participants are expected to be independently licensed and able to practice psychotherapy within their scope of practice, or track to obtain licensure. Fluence will not review everyone’s scope of practice in their particular jurisdiction. If you are applying we are asking you to inform us of your license. You are responsible for determining that you are practicing within your scope of practice.
For the Psilocybin-assisted Therapy Certificate: No, however program participants are required to have prior training and experience practicing psychotherapy or related health care services in the field of mental health or addiction treatment. Participants may be currently or formerly licensed (retired) psychotherapists, social workers, counselors, or other similar professions.
Yes. Students must apply through our Diversity Fund. Awarded scholarships will be applied to tuition expenses and will not cover travel or lodging for our in person programs. Scholarship requests must be submitted and processed before program enrollment, we do not process scholarship requests retroactively.
The courses associated with our advanced certificates (PHRI , KAP, MDMA) are only for program participants. Our Essentials of Psychedelic Therapy certificate program includes some on-demand content that can be purchased separately in our “Introduction to Psychedelic Therapy” on-demand bundle.
Yes Fluence is able to provide a limited amount of partial scholarships for many of our offerings through our Diversity Fund. Scholarships funds are prioritized for practicing mental health professionals in regards to diversity considerations, financial need, professional background and experience. Please follow the instructions to apply on our scholarship application here.
Certificate in Essentials of Psychedelic Therapy FAQ
This program is for licensed or pre-licensed clinicians and health care practitioners who are interested in learning the fundamentals of psychedelic-assisted therapy and integration to apply in their existing scope of practice. This might include psychiatrists, psychololgists, psychotherapists, physicians, or nurse practitioners. The program is not currently accepting applications from the general public or students, unless they are close to completing a professional degree and have experience practicing psychotherapy in a clinical setting. Please the program admissions requirements for more information.
This certificate represents the first step on Fluence’s certification path in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy and Integration. First and foremost, it provides what we believe is the best possible education in core fundamentals of psychedelic-assisted therapy and integration, and is an ideal place for clinicians and health care practitioners to get solid footing and complement their existing scope of practice. It has been designed after many years of delivering psychedelic education and training, receiving student feedback, and closely monitoring the emerging field and its regulatory changes.
We have strategically redesigned all of our programs with an eye to improving accessibility, maintaining affordability, and without compromising on the rigour and depth of education delivered. A number of our students elect to practice in numerous modalities, including PHRI and KAP, and wish to be prepared for the rollout of additional forms of psychedelic-therapy as the regulatory landscape shifts. This Certificate has been designed so that clinicians can acquire the knowledge and skills that we believe are common to all of these modalities, and then elect to specialize in other areas, without having to start over from scratch with additional, year-long programs at substantial cost. Students will be required to complete this program in order to complete our advanced modules in KAP, PHRI and the MDMA Education Program.
Finally, as with all our certificate programs previously, this program is not a license or authorization to practice psychedelic-assisted therapy outside of current legal avenues or a student’s existing scope of practice. Students can rest assured that our programs are designed with these protections in mind, and are advised to approach other trainings that do not outline these limitations with caution.
The new certificate in Essentials of Psychedelic Therapy is different from the PHRI certificate in a number of ways:
- This program is considerably shorter in duration and more affordable. Whereas the PHRI certificate may have taken a year of more to complete, this program is intended to be completed primarily over the course of 6 weeks, with possible additional time for completing self-paced materials.
- Whereas the PHRI certificate focused exclusively on how to apply harm reduction and integration in clinical practice, and mostly excluded education in psychedelic-assisted therapy, this certificate is meant to serve as a foundation for those looking gain education and training in both modalities. In short, it is a primer for continuing onto specialization in various forms of psychedelic-assisted therapy.
This certificate will not be replacing the PHRI program, however a number of foundational principles from that program have been built into this one, albeit it a truncated manner. Those looking to get more in-depth training in Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Integration will still be available to continue onto an advanced certificate in PHRI, but will be required to start with the core Essentials certificate first. If you are interest in both certificates please contact us so we can accommodate you in the best possible manner.
Yes, Fluence will be awarding a limited number of partial scholarships for this program in each cohort. If you are interested in applying for a scholarship please see the Diversity Program Scholarship page and contact us.
If you have completed or are currently enrolled in a Certificate Program at Fluence, this program may still be of interest to you if you wish to pursue further education and training with Fluence, including our forthcoming MDMA education program, and advanced certificates in Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy and Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Integration. Existing and graduated Certificate Program students can access the new Essentials certificate at no additional cost—however we have a limited number of spots available in each cohort, so please contact us if you are interested in participating.
Yes! The on-demand version of Introduction to Psychedelic Therapy is included as part of the bundle of self-paced videos you’ll receive for free when enrolling in the program. Although it’s not required that students take this course first before applying, it is recommended and we imagine many new students will continue to experience Introduction to Psychedelic Therapy as a starting point. Anyone who has already taken Introduction to Psychedelic Therapy is eligible for a $295 credit towards the program fee.
MDMA-Assisted Therapy Education Program
Fluence has restructured its certificate programs such that everyone who wishes to take advanced modules must first complete the Certificate in Essentials of Psychedelic Therapy. This is a 3- or 6-week program that establishes a foundation that we believe is essential to any clinician hoping to work in psychedelic-assisted therapy and/or harm reduction and integration. The course can be completed over a 3- or 6-week period and will be useful not only as a foundation for pursuing education in MDMA-Assisted Therapy, but also for forthcoming advanced modules in KAP and PHRI, and more to be announced.
We currently have plans to offer more cohorts in the program later this year, but there is no guarantee of this and exact dates have not been set. An announcement will be made if and when further cohorts are announced.
No. Please note this is not a certification course to practice MDMA-assisted therapy. There are no guarantees about the approval of MAPS PBC’s New Drug Application for MDMA-assisted therapy to the FDA or the specific certification requirements for healthcare providers should this be approved. Given the uncertainty of the regulatory process and timeline, there may be a significant delay and no guarantee of opportunities to practice MDMA-assisted therapy in clinical practice.
If you have previously completed education around MDMA-Assisted Therapy with MAPS, then you will likely have already covered the content presented in this program. Fluence has a collaborator agreement with MAPS PBC to deliver their content via our learning platform.
Full attendance at the live virtual weekends is required to receive credit in the program. In the event of an emergency or illness, attendees must notify and their Home Group Facilitator as soon as possible, letting them know of the emergency and which segments of live education will be missed.
If an attendee misses 3 hours or more of any portion of the live virtual event due to an emergency or illness, they are required to complete a makeup assignment. All coursework, including any makeup coursework due to missing a portion of the live event, must be completed to receive a certificate of participation. Please note that attendees that miss more than 7 hours of the live virtual event will be dismissed from the course. See below.
Attendees are not eligible for makeup coursework if they cumulatively miss more than 7 hours of the live virtual event content. Attendees who cumulatively miss more than 7 hours of the live virtual event sessions will be dismissed from the course and would need to reapply for a future education offering. No refunds or tuition credit can be offered for dismissed attendees.
Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy Certificate FAQs
The Trauma-informed Psychedelic-assisted Therapy course and the Experiential Practice Retreat offer continuing education credit valid for all professions which Fluence is an approved provider for. Please see individual course pages for details.
The courses associated with our advanced certificates (PHRI , KAP, MDMA) are only for program participants. Our Essentials of Psychedelic Therapy certificate program includes some on-demand content that can be purchased separately in our “Introduction to Psychedelic Therapy” on-demand bundle.
Certificate program capacity is determined by the number of classes and training events we can run in a given year and the number of trainers available to provide them. Regardless of the total enrollment in a certificate program, class sizes for most weekly classes is capped at 12 participants.
Monthly program meetings are community building events at which we will explore special topics and current events in the field.
Fluence does not conduct clinical operations, but we occasionally receive requests for therapists that we can pass on to trainees or graduates. Students may also accept referrals from the community email list in alignment with their scope of practice and competency.
No. We can only review complete applications submitted through our application form.
The Trauma-Informed Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy course and the Experiential Practice Retreat offer continuing education credit valid for all professions for which Fluence is an approved provider. Please see individual program pages for details.
Yes, You may take any other Fluence courses that are not part of this program and you will receive a 15% discount on the listed price for 3 years after your enrollment date. Check with program administration for enrollment procedures.
In some cases Fluence can offer partial program credit for students who have completed MAPS training or part of another OHA approved program in alignment with OHA Regulations. Please include this information in your application.
Psychedelics are not administered at our in-person retreats or other events, nor do we require students to have personal psychedelic experience. Our trainings use a variety of contemplative practices for experiential learning.
Continuing Education
The Trauma-informed Psychedelic-assisted Therapy course and the Experiential Practice Retreat offer continuing education credit valid for all professions which Fluence is an approved provider for. Please see individual course pages for details.
We do not provide academic credit.
The Trauma-Informed Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy course and the Experiential Practice Retreat offer continuing education credit valid for all professions for which Fluence is an approved provider. Please see individual program pages for details.
Fluence is approved by the APA to offer CE to Psychologists, approved by the ASWB to offer ACE to Social Workers, and approved by NYSED to offer CE to Psychologists, Social Workers, and LMHCs. Information is provided on each course page about the types/amounts of CE offered. You may need to check with your licensing board in your state to see if those credits are acceptable for your purposes. For more detailed information about CE at Fluence please see this page.
Administrative Policies
Yes, tuition for the Essentials, MDMA, PHRI, and KAP programs can be paid in 3 monthly installments. If two programs are purchased as a bundle (ie, Essentials and KAP, Essentials and PHRI, etc.), then trainees may pay in 5 monthly installments. Our Reading and Study Groups (RSGs) and Clinical Consultation Groups (CCGs) can also be paid over a 3-month period. We do not offer payment plans for our introductory workshops or on-demand courses.
Our policies vary depending on the course or program in question. For a detailed account of our policies for different courses and programs please see this page.